Understand Home Treatment of Sleep Apnea additional

Home Treatment of Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Approximately one in ten Americans has sleep apnea. These people do not know what a sound sleep is. There is more than just snoring associated with a sleep disorder sufferer. The throat relaxes and even closes during sleep causing the person to stop breathing for short periods. The snoring sound you hear is when the sleeper gasps for air and tries to resume breathing. Many people look for a home treatment of this potentially serious disorder.

To determine if you actually have sleep apnea, you need to be tested at a sleep test center by a trained professional. This disorder generally affects middle-aged men who are overweight. There are several ways to try to treat sleep apnea with home treatments.

If you have a serious case of sleep apnea consisting of more than five episodes per night then you should consult a doctor. If you have five or less episodes or less then you can try home treatments for the disorder.

Holistic practitioners have used a flower remedy called Vervain as a home treatment of sleep apnea. Vervain is thought to be a calming essence that has been able to help people with their sleeping problems.
Other natural remedies include aromatherapy, herbal remedies, homeopathy, yoga and other relaxation techniques. Combining natural remedies with lifestyle improvements could very well improve your nights sleep.

Lifestyle improvements include losing some weight. Many of this disorders' sufferers are overweight. Losing weight can reduce the number of times you stop breathing per hour. The experts agree that weight loss must be considered if trying to manage the problem. Another home treatment of sleep apnea is to limit the use of alcohol and medicine. An excessive amount of alcohol can make the symptoms even worse. Certain medications such as sleeping pills and sedatives can also make the symptoms worse.

Getting plenty of sleep is another home treatment of sleep apnea. Sufferers of this sleep disorder experience more episodes if they are not getting enough sleep. Try sleeping on your side to eliminate mild symptoms. To prevent you from sleeping on your back try sewing a pocket on the back of your pajamas and place a tennis ball in it. That way you will not be able to sleep on your back.

Other homeopathic methods of home treatment of sleep apnea consist of changing ones diet. They suggest that extroverted and charismatic people should consume Lachesis. They also believe that people who are more temperate should consume homeopathic opium. Homeopaths feel that all sufferers of the disorder should eliminate sugar and other allergic foods.

The breathing techniques taught in yoga are another form of a home treatment of sleep apnea. These techniques forcibly clear out air passages. By learning these techniques and frequently practicing them, you may experience some relief in your obstructive apnea symptoms.

If you happen to wake up during an episode, do not panic as that can worsen the problem. Try to forcibly breathe out and then breathe in slowly. If home treatment of sleep apnea does not solve the problem then consult a physician.

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Our site focuses on sleep apnea treatments and symptoms for sufferers of sleep apnea.

by T. D. Houser