Go through The Best Sleep Apnea Treatments more

The best sleep apnea treatments are usually in the hands of the person suffering from sleep apnea; for the most part, they can actually transform themselves into the solution.

Sleep apnea is a serious disorder which in extreme cases, can be fatal! In sleep apnea sufferers, their breathing can stop for a few seconds a few times an hour, causing restless sleep patterns.

The most common cause of sleep apnea is excessive weight, but it can be caused by other lifestyle factors such as smoking, taking sleeping pills, and excessive alcohol consumption. Also, sleeping on your back is widely known to cause sleep apnea, especially in overweight people.

If you believe you have a problem with any or a combination of these common causes, you stand a great chance of gaining control and eliminating or at least limiting your sleep apnea.

If a lifestyle change proves ineffective there are quite a few sleep apnea treatments available such as dental appliances, chin straps, and CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) masks.

There are a few snoring surgery options available, but these should only be considered if, after being checked by a doctor, you are at a dangerous sleep apnea risk or if you're someone not in danger but have already tried and failed to correct the disorder through natural means.

Once you do consider surgery, understand that most have side effects and there are no guarantees, and your doctor is the only one qualified to inform you which procedure you should opt for.

One surgical sleep apnea treatment worth considering for moderate snorers is called the Pillar Palatal Implant. It works by inserting pieces of mesh into the soft palate, and this in turn helps to limit the amount of vibration in the soft palate which contributes to snoring.

This simple outpatient procedure can be very effective but only a handful of insurance companies cover this type of procedure with their policies.

Sleep Apnea Cause

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The Best Sleep Apnea Treatments

Sleep Apnea Cause