High blood pressure has been linked to sleep apnea for years, and researchers are finally making some headway in figuring out what it is about this sleep disorder that can aggravate it as it's also linked with an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease.
Sleep apnea can go undiagnosed for years and if you live alone without a partner to make you aware that you stop breathing during the night you may never realise that you are suffering from it. The only symptoms you may be aware of are daytime drowsiness, and frequently waking up during the night.
In the US, there are some 15 million people believed to have this sleep disorder, and 75% of them are men. Only a small percentage of the people with this sleep disorder have been diagnosed and treated, and with the link between sleep apnea and elevated blood pressure it may mean that there are potentially millions of people that go untreated with this disease.
People suffering from sleep apnea are more likely to have damage to the layer of cells that lines blood vessels and which regulates blood pressure by allowing the vessels to dilate when needed.
Sleep apnea has been shown as an independent cause of kidney damage, even when other factors are absent. That means that this sleep disorder in an otherwise healthy person may start a damaging cycle of kidney damage and elevated blood pressure, with the increase in other risks that goes along with it.
People who have this sleep disorder may stop breathing dozens of times during the night as their airway collapses. The combination of oxygen deprivation and the spike in night time blood pressure that results from it, may be the cause of endothelial damage. Researchers believe that treating heavy snoring may improve these health problems, making any treatments more successful.
Those who get treatment for sleep apnea typically feel much better during the daytime and are far less likely to suffer from the risks of sleep deprivation, which can include danger in operating machinery or driving.
The primary treatment for this sleep disorder is losing weight, but avoiding sleeping on the back, and avoiding alcohol, smoking, and sleeping pills can help too. Some people find relief from sleep apnea from using a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, or CPAP machine, that fits over the face at night and prevents the airways from collapsing.
Sleep ApneaDiscover more effects that sleep apnea can have on your health including the connection between snoring and heart disease. Plus download free report "What causes snoring plus 5 ways to cure it" when you visit the site. Get more tips and advice on sleep disorders including snoring and insomnia.