Read through Idiopathic Central Sleep Apnea extra

Idiopathic central sleep apnea syndrome (ICSAS) is completely different than obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) which is the more common sleep apnea condition that most of us have heard of before in the past. Idiopathic central sleep apnea is still not as fully understood as obstructive sleep apnea, but through research it is understood that there are abrupt increases in breathing in which there becomes an arterial CO2 reduction. Sort of like hyperventilation.

It is suggested that it is caused by the way the brain controls breathing. This is not a very common form of sleep apnea and there is still much to learn about it. What we do know is that it is usually found in people who are very ill. If you have had a stroke that has affected the brainstem then there is a possibility that you could experience idiopathic this sleep apnea. The brainstem is where the body's breathing is controlled, so if you have any injuries, lesions, etc that has affected the brainstem, then your chances of developing this disorder will increase.

The primary symptom of this sleep apnea is when you stop breathing for a temporary period of time, especially during nocturnal hours. If a neurological condition is the cause of the this sleep apnea then you could experience other symptoms like: change in voice, difficulty swallowing, feeling week or numb throughout the body and this all depends on what nerves and what part of the nervous system has been affected.

The prognosis for Idiopathic this sleep disorder is actually very favorable with the proper treatment. If you have been diagnosed with this form of sleep disorder then follow through with the treatment program that your physician recommends.

Premature infants who have an underdeveloped brain and reflex systems are at a high risk of developing this sleep disorder. In the end, these infants, will usually outgrow their diagnosis and continue to live a normal, healthy life.

A person who continually takes central respiratory depressant drugs is also at risk of developing this sleep disorder. These drugs include things such as alcohol, opiates, barbiturates, tranquilizers, and benzodiazepines. Usually if the person experiences an episode where they stop breathing they will be an altered state of consciousness or be asleep.

Sleep issue, no matter what form, can be dangerous. If you experience any of the symptoms that are related to any type of sleep issue, contact your physician. There are tests that can be preformed to help the physician to determine what your diagnosis should be. Like mentioned previously in this article, central sleep issue has a good prognosis if it is treated. As for the central respiratory depressant drugs that were mentioned, even if you have obstructive sleep issue, taking one of these drugs could trigger an episode that would result in central sleep issue. It is highly recommended that with no matter what form of sleep issue that you have, whether it is obstructive sleep issue or central sleep issue, stay away from central respiratory depressant drugs, unless prescribed by a physician.

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Idiopathic Central Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea