Insomnia, the word or rather, the condition itself has become the cause of concern for many, throughout the world. The dictionary defines it as a 'disorder which causes inability to sleep'. The quality of the sleep, or the quantity, or both are affected. It is not a disease, but, a symptom which has its roots deeper, sometimes even severe.
Though there are many levels of the now so-commonly-occurring disorder, three of them have been explicitly defined- transient, acute and chronic. As is evident from the name itself, the 'chronic' level is a severe condition, which can cause muscular and mental fatigue and even double vision.
A look at the general statistics can be alarming. As many as 8 out of every 10 people are affected by insomnia. Scientists all over the world believe that the hectic life pattern and the increased tensions lead to the situation being more prominent in this era. Other factors include the intake of psychoactive drugs or stimulants (like caffeine, cocaine) and hormonal imbalances in the levels of estrogen, thyroxin etc. What the worsens the situation further more is the indifferent attitude of people who do not pay much heed to it, and the situation is only detected when it is already too late. Nonetheless, the treatment for insomnia is absolutely possible. Since insomnia is just a consequence, the primary aim is to first identify the main cause.
The treatment procedures adopted for insomnia too can be multifarious, and dependent on the consulting doctor. Some believe that non- pharmacological strategies such as cognitive behaviour therapy- in which patients are taught improved sleep habits over a period of time, are more effective, while others, prefer the traditional medication which include sedatives such as benzodiazepines, anti-depressants, and antihistamines, though the continued intake of sleeping pills can have other side-effects too. Hence, they should be avoided as much as possible. In some cases, sexual intercourse has been found to heavily reduce stress patterns, as it stimulates the release of 'endorphins' which are the natural stress relievers of the human body.
Apart from the medical condition, insomnia has made a difference to our lives. A mere glance at the number of songs that have been written and composed on this condition itself can fill anyone with awe. This further enhances our belief in the omnipresent nature of insomnia.
The disorder is prevalent in adults mainly, who in constant surge of their increasing materialistic pleasures, have forgotten the basic body requirements. An adult, on an average needs eight hours of sound sleep. This, of course, is becoming rare in the modern world. And when these sleeping hours are converted into working hours, slowly and steadily it becomes a pattern and the result is well known to all.
So, whenever one comes across such a problem for a continued period of a week, there should be absolutely no hesitation or second thoughts about consulting a doctor. Only if we take care of our body well, and pamper it from time to time, would it be able to stand by us- our goals and aspirations, for a longer time.
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