Read The Cause of Snoring and Snoring Remedies additional

The Cause of Snoring and Snoring Remedies

Sleep Apnea Cause

Many products have been launched that claimed to be the best snoring remedies, but exactly what is the cause of snoring? Actually the cause is varies for each person, but there are some factors that believed to be the cause of snoring.

One of the cause is obesity, obesity is believed by many expert to be the cause of snoring. This is why many physician recommend diet program combined with exercise not only to cure snoring, but also to promote a more healthy life. If you are diagnosed as being overweight or obese, then it is recommended that you to follow a quality diet program to lose some weight and your snoring problem most likely will disappear.

Besides obesity, another known cause of snoring is when individuals sleep on their back. When they sleep on their back, the muscles and soft tissue on the back of their throat are collapsing and disturb the airways. The solution for this is changing your sleeping position by sleeping on your side, only by changing your sleeping position can greatly reduce your snoring.

Another reason of snoring is aging, experts believe than when someone ages the skin in their throat begin to sag and lose its elasticity. When this happens, there is a high possibility that this will cause disturbance to the airways inside the throat when sleeping.

Sleep apnea can also be the cause of snoring, this one is very serious. The symptoms of sleep apnea is excessive snoring, temporary cessation of breathing when sleeping that usually will cause the sufferer to woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air.

This occur because the airways in your throat are completely blocked and this makes the sufferer to stop breathing and the only way to breathe again is by waking up. This could happen a few times in one night. If you let sleep apnea untreated, sleep apnea can cause heart abnormalities and other serious health problem.

One great way to diagnose the direct cause of your snoring is through sleep study. Sleep study generally ordered by a physician, the sufferer will spend one night at a sleep center, in here the snoring and breathing pattern of the sufferer will be monitored throughout the night. The results will be studied by a physician who will make the final diagnosis.

Those are some common cause of snoring, knowing the cause of your snoring is important because different cause requires different way to solve it. This also affects what snoring remedies that is most suitable for you based on the cause of your snoring.

You want to stop snoring?

Go to to find useful tips and products that is very effective to reduce if not eliminate your snoring.