Understand What Is Sleep Apnea? far more

Do you often feel sleepy in the mornings because you have not had enough sleep from the previous night? Do you often feel anxiety, irritability, headaches and difficulties in performing and accomplishing your daily activities? Do you often have poor concentration, memory and attention? Do you experience insomnia? If you answered yes, to most if not all of these questions, you may be suffering from a condition called sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a chronic condition which is characterized by reduced breathing patterns or no breathing at all, which lasts 10 seconds or more and can recur several times in your sleep. This condition mostly occurs in adults than in children, which causes a significant drop in your oxygen levels in the blood. Because of the reduction or the complete absence of airflow, people suffering from this may be awaken or have instead of a deep sleep, a shallow and easily-disturbed sleep.

Sleep apnea is a condition that is very hard to diagnose. It cannot be verified through blood tests and other examinations. Sometimes, you may not even notice it yourself since it only occurs when you are at sleep. It may take for a family member to first notice it along with the signs of this condition. A health care provider may perform a review through the patient's history or he or he can test a person while asleep for two hours to measure the amount of apneas that happen in several intervals. The greater number of apneas in an interval, the more severe the illness is.

There are various types of this condition but the most common is called obstructive sleep apnea. This is normally caused by a blockage in the airways of a person, which in turn which in turn will cause the pauses in breathing or the shallow breathing of a patient suffering from this condition. When a person with obstructive sleep apnea breathes, the air that passes the blocked airways causes a mild to a loud noise commonly referred to as a snore. This happens usually with people that are overweight but can also happen to anyone.

Another type of the condition that is less common is central sleep apnea which happens when your brain does not send the correct information which enables breathing. This condition can happen with obstructive sleep apnea but can also occur alone.

Sleep apnea is a condition that requires long periods of management. This chronic disease, if left untreated may cause high blood pressure, heart attacks, obesity, diabetes, arrhythmias, and may also cause accidents.

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What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea Cause

Read Causes For Sleep Apnea - But Are There Any Treatments? extra

What are the causes for sleep apnea?

There is an association with snoring and sleep apnea because it's the same muscles involved. Snoring is not as serious as apnea except when the snorer's partner gets fed up enough to bang the snorer over the head with the alarm clock as neither the snorer nor the apnea sufferer will likely be aware of their condition.

It's the muscles in the upper airway passage that aren't as strong as they should be which cause the airway to narrow and close temporarily. This causes a halt in the breathing for 10 to 25 minutes which results in a lowering of oxygen to the brain.

The brain then sends out an emergency signal which arouses the person forcing a gasp of air to balance the oxygen debt. The sufferer doesn't necessarily wake up fully and these events can happen 300 or more times in a session.

Although the apnea sufferer may not be aware of the night-time events they may recognise symptoms such as waking up with a dry throat and mouth in the morning, headaches and sweatiness.

The muscles in the pharynx which lack muscle tone and are at the heart of the problem may be like that for one of two reasons.

It may be that the physiological make-up predisposes the individual for the condition or it may be a problem that has developed due to the sufferer's lifestyle or it could be a combination of both.

So physiologically anyone with a mild abnormality to the facial structure which affects the passage of air is susceptible to the condition. This could mean a backset jaw or what is commonly known as an overbite, the shape of the hard palate, large tonsils, adenoids and tongue, any inherent nasal blockage as well as the general size and shape of the middle of the face and neck.

From a lifestyle point of view obesity is the most important factor associated with apnea sufferers followed by alcohol consumption and smoking. The three big no-no's are culpable once more - not surprising really.

People with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more are considered obese and more at risk from sleep apnea and if the weight distribution is centred around the waist as opposed to the hips the risk is greater.

Alcohol can reduce the activity of the upper airway and relax the muscles responsible for stopping the airway from closing. In extreme cases excessive and continuous drinking could suppress the breathing reflex. This respiratory drive can also be similarly affected by so called sleeping pills, tranquilizers and short-acting beta blockers.

What are the treatments for sleep apnea?

For mild to severe cases of apnea it's widely accepted that the use of a continuous positive airway pressure device is the best treatment for the serious consequences of sleep apnea.

As the name suggests it's a machine that generates timed air pressure via a mask keeping the upper airway open during sleep.

There are a variety of devices and masks any one of which can be fitted for your particular needs.

It doesn't cure the sufferer but allows the individual to get the enormous benefits allowed to those that sleep properly. This means that he or she (more likely to be a he) won't be so at risk for conditions like high blood pressure (CPAP), heart attacks, strokes and diminished memory and intellect.

In mild cases lifestyle changes can be made to temper or even cure the problem so weight loss and a healthy diet with regular exercise are recommended. Cutting down on alcohol especially before bed and quitting smoking is always a good idea. Watch the type of drugs which are used especially sedatives.

If possible sleeping on the side rather than the back may help.

If the problem is with the structure of the jaw it's possible to get a device fitted that looks and feels like a sports mouth guard called a mandibular advancement device (MAD). This allows the lower jaw to be drawn and kept in a more forward position. It's used to treated apnea, snoring and bruxism (teeth grinding).

Are there any other options?

There are also some more unusual techniques that are worth trying especially as they have been proven to be affective in certain cases and are not invasive as is the case with CPAP machines.

Breathing techniques have been studied and developed that can instill in someone a breathing pattern that comes from the belly instead of short breathes made from the chest. This process helps tone the muscles of the airway.

What about singing? It seems logical that anything that strengthens the relevant muscles are going to be affective in treating apnea and although it's been shown that there is a positive link between singers, singing and the absence of apnea opinions are still divided.

Sleep apnea can be very serious and in rare cases fatal. It is more common than asthma or diabetes and it is increasingly so in the western world which may be a link to lifestyles.

The most effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea is the CPAP device which a lot of people find uncomfortable. Any evidence, even anecdotal of solutions to this increasing problem would be welcomed by a huge number of sufferers.

Lelliot is a long term sufferer of insomnia and movement related sleep disorders and has been researching into the causes for sleep apnea and all things sleep related for 15 years. Get more insights into sleeping plus a free email mini-course at www.SleepandSleepingTips.com

Causes For Sleep Apnea - But Are There Any Treatments?

Sleep Apnea Cause

Understand Apnea Obstructive Sleep Syndrome additional

Apnea Obstructive Sleep Syndrome

Sleep Apnea Cause

Are you a victim of sleep apnea? This article has information that will help you know whether or not you have this dangerous syndrome. It also has important information about possible treatments if you do have sleep apnea. So be sure to read this article clear through to the end so you won't miss any of this vital information.

Millions of men, women, and children across the United States suffer from the effects of apnea obstructive sleep syndrome. This form of apnea is the most common and is a result of relaxed throat muscles blocking the airway.

Although most common among men, overweight individuals, and older adults anyone can be afflicted with obstructive apnea.

What is the Cause of Apnea Obstructive Sleep Syndrome?

The muscles in the back of the throat support soft tissues such as the uvula, tonsils, tongue, and soft palate. When the muscles relax soft tissues drop into the airway obstructing regular airflow, which causes blood oxygen levels to drop and you wake short of breath.

What are the Symptoms of Obstructive Apnea?

There are several symptoms associated with obstructive apnea some of which overlap symptoms of other types of apnea and other illnesses in general. If you experience any combination of the following symptoms, you should discuss them with your physician for proper diagnosis. Obstructive apnea symptoms include loud snoring, morning headaches, dry mouth, sore throat, insomnia or hypersomnia, shortness of breath, and short non-breathing episodes.

How is Obstructive Apnea Treated?

Treatment options for obstructive apnea depend on the severity of each individual case. For milder cases, your doctor may suggest weight loss, wearing oral appliances to ensure proper airflow when sleeping or to stop drinking and smoking. For more severe cases, your physician may prescribe devices such as CPAP, which continuously force air through a nose piece to keep the airway open. Removal of enlarged tonsils or other soft tissues that can obstruct the airway and vibrate to cause snoring as well as constructive surgeries such as straightening a deviated septum may be required to alleviate obstructive apnea symptoms.

Treatable and sometimes curable

Apnea obstructive sleep syndrome is treatable and sometimes curable. Discuss all symptoms, preexisting health conditions, and family history with your physician to arrive at a definitive diagnosis and course of treatment.

Douglas Hanna is a free lance writer who has written on a wide range of topics, including sleep apnea cures, sleep apnea treatment and sleep apnea and the power of tea.

Examine Sleep Apnea - Understand the Disorder far more

Sleep Apnea Cause

This is a sleeping disorder that affects over 14 million American, and is characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep which can last for a period of 20 to 30 seconds or more. These sleep apnea episodes normally occur five to thirty times an hour and can be responsible for disruptions to sleep. Snorting, choking and loud snoring is associated with this condition. It affects more generally men and older people but women and even children can suffer from this problem.

Those with sleep apnea are not always due to the nature of the condition, aware that they have a sleeping disorder. Because of that it is said that 80% to 90% of those suffering are undiagnosed. It is generally the case that their partners notice the condition and bring it to their attention.

Types of sleep apnea

There are two types. The more common type is called obstructive sleep apnea, and as the name suggests involves a blocked airway, which can be the result of over-relaxed throat muscles and tongue, obesity, and facial and bone structure deformities. The blockage causes breathing to stop and the person begins to struggle for breath and snort.

When a blockage occurs, the oxygen level decreases, while the carbon dioxide level increases. This in turn stimulates the brain to normalize the breathing process and prompts the person to wake up and to open the airway by adjusting the tongue and throat muscles. Breathing then returns to normal accompanied usually by loud snoring. This usually occurs without the person's knowledge and they may not remember being awake for a short time or even be aware of their gasps for air.

The second type is called central sleep apnea which is the result of the brain's delayed signals to the breathing muscles. This causes the breathing to stop and as a result the oxygen level starts to drop. This condition is less common than obstructive apnea and is a nervous system disorder generally caused by an injury or a disease that involves the brain stem. This could be in the form of a stroke or brain tumor amongst other things. Although those with this condition may not typically snore, they may experience shortness of breath.

Although both types have different causes, their effects are the same: low level of oxygen in the brain, poor sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and sometimes as a result, depression. Side effects of the disorder can be high blood pressure and heart irregularities when the oxygen levels become dangerously low. The condition can be extremely disturbing to bed partners due to the loud snoring and pauses in breath and can lead to the partner suffering from sleep deprivation.

What to do

Since the condition occurs only during sleep it is hard for a person to know they have sleep apnea. If a person suspects they have the condition, especially if they display signs of the symptoms, they can opt to have their sleeping patterns documented. For example, the person's partner could be asked to record episodes of breath pauses, snoring, choking, snorting etc. If alone, the person can video themselves sleeping to see if the symptoms are displayed. By doing this the findings would determine if seeing a doctor or sleep specialist was required.

When diagnosed, either the doctor or the sleep specialist would put forward treatments or surgeries depending on the severity of the condition. But do not despair. To overcome minor sleep apnea,making some lifestyle changes or behavioural treatments can, and are, very helpful. For example, reducing or avoiding alcohol and tobacco, losing weight and ensuring that one has regular sleeping hours.

If diagnosed with sleep apnea, professional advice from a doctor or sleep specialist will be necessary to treat the condition satisfactorily.

There are several ways to overcome snoring and sleep apnea [http://www.snoringsleepapnea-treatment.com/], be it the more standard approach of treating the symptoms or by alternative treatments to treat the cause. However one thing is certain, one needs to have good nights sleep. You have nothing to lose except another sleepless night: so grab a copy now [http://www.snoringsleepapnea-treatment.com/] and get the nights sleep you deserve.

Sleep Apnea - Understand the Disorder

Read Sleep Apnea Pillow extra

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes the sufferer to stop breathing for periods while they sleep. There are three kinds of sleep apnea currently: obstructive, central and mixed. The common is obstructive where the throat muscles become over relaxed which leads to the collapse of the windpipe that blocks the airway. Sleep apnea can be treated by lifestyle changes or with surgery for the more extreme cases. A common, non-surgical option is sleep apnea pillow.

Sleep apnea pillows are specially designed to help snoring, the most noticeable sign of the apnea. The pillows work by giving the neck support and keeping sufferers from being able to completely roll to their backs, the position that apnea is worse in. They lengthen the neck and cradle the head which stops the tongue from being able to block the airway. Sleep apnea pillows also help by easing the pressure place on the arms and shoulders while the sufferer sleeps.

There are many different companies that make this special pillows. There is only one that has FDA approval, the SONA sleep apnea pillow. This pillow consist of two triangular shaped layers that make it look like a boomerang with padding. It angular design is what makes it unique. It forces the user to stay on their side. The two surfaces that are inclined make the main sleeping area while the center is a lower flat surface.

The lower parts of the triangle have arm slings for training. The user lies on his side with their arm extended under the pillow. The arm needs to be kept extended during sleeping with the head staying on the same side as the arm. The training slings can be used at first to ensure that you stay in this position by putting your arm in the space in the middle of the pillow and sling. For more comfort you may want to add to the apnea pillow you may want to use a body pillow to keep you in the correct position.

When used like this it will keep the jaw pulled forward and keep the tongue from falling back and blocking the air way. Some people can not use these types of pillows. When people have severe sleep apnea simply using the pillow of any kind will not work. Especially people who are extremely obese will not get as much relief as thinner people. Apnea pillows do need fluffed on occasion and should be replaced every year for maximum benefit.

Hassan Ouda is a sublime devoted author He writes articles on several subjects including publishing ebook. You can read more of Hassan's articles at Pillow Covers [http://www.mypillowssite.com] located at


Sleep Apnea Pillow

Sleep Apnea

Read through Information About Sleep Apnea and Symptoms additional

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder or abnormality. It is a disruption or the interruption of breathing while you are asleep. Sometimes instances of choking, gasping for air, or breathing interruptions might occur hundreds of times within a single night.

This common disorder can be life threatening if not treated. This sleeping disorder might be as simple as it is, but the hazards and complications are real. Symptoms of Sleep disorder includes uncontrolled daytime sleepiness, abnormal silences during sleep as a result of breaks in breathing, loud snoring but some snoring persons does not have sleep apnea, heartburn and sour taste in the mouth, choking and/or gasping, morning or night headaches, and swelling of the legs.

One half of those people who are experiencing Apnea disorder have to suffer extreme headache. Some symptoms includes, restless tossing or turning while sleep, irregular sweating and chest pain, getting up to urinate usually at night.

Symptom among children is dependent in a child's age. For children below 5 years old--mouth breathing, sweating, restlessness, and waking up a lot are just some of the manifestations of sleep apnea. Children five years and older experiences bed wetting, snoring, poor performance in school, and growth gap.

These children may also have behavior problems and short tempered. Children with sleep apnea snore but might not appear to excessively sleepy during daytime. The only symptom of sleep disorder in some children may also be complemented with the rate of their growth as they should for their age. Although rare, children with sleep apnea can cause delay with the child's development and cause heart to fail Hypothyroidism might also be a result of this disorder.

They have the tendency of falling asleep without noticing it. Under active thyroid, narcolepsy, someone with sleep apnea has manifested on the patient' intense urge to move legs. The intensity of sleep disorder is partially dependent on the patient's age, physical health, and sleeping habits. The manifestation of sleep apnea varies from person to person, but patients' with the same age bracket will experience the same symptoms.

The physical health of the person is also the basis of the disorder's effect. If the patient has other physical diseases aside from the sleeping disorder alone, they will experience more complications than healthy individuals. If for example, a person does not go to sleep regularly, or did not have enough sleep, sleep apnea is likely to occur. At the same manner, is that person is inclined to stress-producing activities, they are more likely to have high intensity of sleep apnea.

As a result, experts with the disorders like psychologists and psychiatrists recommend proper stress-coping approaches and discipline. There are several ways on how to lessen, if not avoid too much stress. At some point, they consider exercise as one of the stress-coping approaches. Self discipline in terms of diet, hygiene, and self reflection is also required since sleep disorder results from unwanted experiences of the day and stressful experience.

It is very timely to examine the things that might contribute to having sleep disorder, at the same time the information that will lead us to coping up with it. In that way, we will have a better outlook on how to cope with, and deal with it.

Sleep Apnea

Share knowledge to the others who care to understand what is sleep apnea [http://whatissleepapnea.org/]. Go and visit what is sleep apnea for free website to get plenty of information. Come and visit us at: [http://whatissleepapnea.org/]

Information About Sleep Apnea and Symptoms

Go through Sleep Apnea - What it Is, and How to Fix It far more

Sleep Apnea - What it Is, and How to Fix It

Sleep Apnea

While many people have the good fortune to be able to go to sleep at night and then wake up refreshed the next day, that is simply not the case for others. They might actually get the required eight hours of rest that they need, but they still wake up feeling as if they had never went to bed in the first place.

If this sounds like something that you have been experiencing, then you might actually have sleep apnea. This is a kind of sleep disorder, in which you will repeatedly stop and start breathing. Some people who have sleep apnea actually stop breathing for a few minutes at a time, which is definitely not a good thing for the body.

Most people think that sleep apnea is just that definition, but there are actually two different kinds. In the first kind, the breathing is stopped by relaxed throat muscles. In the second kind, the brain does not give the signals to the parasympathetic nervous system that should enable regular breathing.

Once sleep apnea has been diagnosed, the natural next step is to figure out treatment. There are several different ways that this sleep disorder can be treated. For example, sometimes losing weight can be a solution. If a person is a smoker, then quitting smoking will most likely work. If there is a significant obstruction in the airway, surgery might be required. Or, the patient can seek out respiratory therapy. Thus, it is important for people with this sleep disorder to know that there are safe solutions.

More information on sleep apnea and sleep disorder treatment options at a sleep center in your area is just a click away.

Study Sleep Apnea Symptoms: Most Of Them Remain Unnoticed! additional

Though millions of Americans are victims of sleep apnea, it still remains one of the most undiagnosed and untreated sleep disorder, known not only for its distressful symptoms in the short run but also for the life-threatening consequences it entails.

The reason why it is difficult to diagnose is because majority of the symptoms appear when the individual is asleep. In fact, it is often the bed or room partner who first notices the continued disruption in sleep that the victim is going through and takes him or her for medical treatment.

Be that as it may, there are some symptoms which eventually come to the notice of the victim. But before you know more about the symptoms which seem to dodge even the most alert patients, you might benefit by learning about some of the typical factors that put you on the high-risk category for developing this kind of illness. You could call these factors sleep apnea causes as well:

• More than 50% people diagnosed with this disease are obese. Obesity is one of the leading sleep apnea causes.

• At least 1 in 10 people over 65 years old would have this disease; it is more common in men than women.

• Habit of consuming excessive amounts of alcohol puts you at increased risk.

• Hereditary factors.

• More than half of those who have sleep apnea also have high blood pressure. It is closely linked with smoking, metabolic disorders, diabetes shares common risk factors for stroke and heart failure.

• Small airways in the nose, throat and mouth are leading sleep apnea causes.

Sleep apnea symptoms: what your bed partner may notice

• Snoring that is loud and chronic

• Intermittent pauses in the snoring.

• Restless during sleep with frequent tossing and turning in bed.

There are several symptoms that are noticed by the victim as well. Rapid and unexplained weight gain, sore throat and dry mouth on waking up, headaches in the morning, drowsiness, irritability and mood disorders like depression, problems with focusing, tendency to take short and frequent naps and forgetfulness are some of these symptoms.

Also, the victim feels excessive tiredness during the day. This is an extremely important differentiator in the sense that this symptom clearly points towards sleep apnea as any other ordinary snoring would normally not interfere with daytime alertness. Daytime fatigue caused by this disease is a very clear indicator of the onset of the condition.

Needless to mention, considering the seriousness of the ailment, one should not ignore even the smallest signs that point towards this disease. Visit a sleep doctor straightaway and ask for a sleep apnea test.

Perhaps the most important aspect to keep a watch on is the daytime tiredness. It is worthwhile to remember that not everyone who snores has this kind of disease. If you feel that excessive daytime tiredness is overwhelming as well as disabling, it is time to talk to a doctor. The more proactive you are in diagnosing the condition, the better chances you have to arrest the growth of the condition and get cured.

Sleep Apnea

Want to know more about sleep apnea symptoms, then visit http://www.sleepapneaexercise.com and learn everything you want to know about sleep apnea causes and how to deal with the problem.

Sleep Apnea Symptoms: Most Of Them Remain Unnoticed!

Sleep Apnea

Examine Sleep Apnea CPAP Treatment far more

Sleep Apnea Cause

CPAP treatment can be effective for the treatment of sleep apnea. It can greatly improve the quality of sleep and the quality of life also. Relief will be noticed after a night's use. The sleeping partner will rest also, hearing no snoring.

A CPAP machine is a method of ventilation in the treatment of sleep apnea. CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure.

During sleep, muscles relax causing the upper airway to narrow and nearly close restricting the breathing. This results in decreased oxygen in the blood and this causes the patient to awaken suddenly during the night. This also is the reason for most snoring.

Sleep apnea can cause severe health problems and even death. A doctor will order a polysomnograpghy, sleep study to determine the need for CPAP. The patient will spend a night at a sleep lab while a sleep technician will monitor sleep patterns, breathing, vital signs, etc. to send to the doctor.

The CPAP machine prevents or stops the symptoms of sleep apnea. It delivers compressed air at a prescribed pressure by way of a hose to a mask to the nose to keep open pressure so that unobstructed breathing can become possible again. This can prevent or stop sleep apnea as well as the snoring as long as the CPAP continues. Sleep apnea will remain a chronic health issue, it will not never actually go away.

It is not the movement of the air, it is the pressure of the air that prevents apnea by forcing air through the airway and opening the obstructed airway. To use the CPAP, first the machine is turned off and the flow of air comes through the mask. After the mask is applied and seals to the face, the air stops flowing. At this point it is the air pressure that is working.

There will be disagreeable side effects and many people quit using it. The American Sleep Association states that the compliance rate of people using CPAP for more than a few months is 60%. Many side effects can be easily remedied if the health professional is made aware of them.

The mask must fit snugly to prevent leaking, but not tight. Sores on the nose are not to be expected. Nasal congestion, irritation, or runny nose that seems to be caused by CPAP will change. One role of the nose is to warm and humidify the air with breathing.

The CPAP may begin to dry the nose, the body will adjust and increase mucus production to add more moisture to the the air being breathed. This can cause runny nose and nasal congestion, or burning and sneezing. These symptoms can be alleviated by the use of a humidifier along with the CPAP. Humidifiers can be warm or cold water humidifiers. Heating the air will let the air carry more moisture as it travels to the nose. Cold water will dry the air, just as summer air versus winter air.

Allergies may present difficulty using a CPAP. The doctor can recommend or prescribe allergy medication or steroid sprays.

The CPAP may require time for the mind and body to adjust. The mask may scare the patient as he or she awakens to find it suddenly on the face, or will find it is not on the face upon awakening. This will improve over time, talk to the doctor, maybe a temporary sleep medication would be helpful until the adjustment is made. The patient may experience gas or gas pains, the head and the body being aligned during sleep should help. If the patient sleeps with head elevated, put the pillow or wedge under headboard, not under sleeping pillow to keep the head from tilting forward and blocking the airway.

The noise of the machine could be distracting. Maybe a longer tubing so it can be further from the bed. Maybe a fan for "white noise" would help. Tubing getting in the way? Drape it over headboard behind you or seek out a device that attaches to bed and keeps the tube up and it can move with patient. Getting up at night can be bothersome to hook and unhook everything involved from the face. Simply unhook the tubing from the machine or mask. This way the mask does not need to be totally undone and done again.

Suzanne Murphy Licensed Nurse

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Sleep Apnea CPAP Treatment

Read through Sleep Apnea Solution extra

What about sleep apnea solution?... This is a problem that occurs whilst you sleep, it causes pauses whilst you are breathing and missed breaths. There are three forms this condition, 'obstructive' sleep apnea effects the most people, over 18 million Americans, and involves the full or partial collapse of the airway. This can be incredibly dangerous and even life threatening, causing strokes, cardiovascular disease of hypertension. There are solutions which vary from case to case. One solution is as simple as lifestyle changes, whilst a more drastic solution can be surgery.

Non drastic approaches include the use of a humidifier whilst in bed, clearing the nasal passage before sleep and not sleeping on your back, can all help resolve sleep apnea. Other such solutions include herbs, acupuncture and even hypnosis. Healthier lifestyle choices such as cutting down on bad foods, curbing your consumption of alcohol and quitting smoking are all viable solutions.

However such sleep apnea solutions may not be enough for certain individuals. There are certain devices that can be used, such as mouth guards designed to keep the airway open at night. There is a device named a 'Mandibular Advancement Device' which holds the lower jaw in a forwards position. Whilst a device stops the tongue from obstructing the airway. The mandibular advancement device can be adjusted by a dentist as required for each patient.

Another solution is to use pressurized air whilst asleep. This works by pushing air down the airway at night and keeping the airway open, you have to wear a mask whilst you sleep however. Continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) is a common solution and includes the use of a humidifier, air heater and changing inhalation and exhalation air pressures.

Sleep apnea is caused by the blockage of the airway whilst asleep, as such the main solution to solve the problem is to stop obstructions. One way to do this is through tissue reduction. This reduction is done using Radio frequency Tissue Reduction, also called Somnoplasty, and is the process in which excess tissue is reduced to keep the airway clear, such as certain parts of the tongue, the soft palate and the throat. The tongue is reduced to open up space for the airway and also lower the risks of it blocking the airway whilst asleep.

A surgical sleep apnea solution is reserved as the last option. The majority of surgical procedures are intended to make the airway wider. Once such procedure is Uvulopalatoplasty, this is the removal of the uvula, or simply making it smaller. If the problem is mainly due to nasal blockage, you may have surgery to align the septum. Other beneficial treatments include Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy.

The most obtrusive option you can go for is Maxillomandibular advancement. This is when the upper and lower jaw are disconnected and placed further forward with plates and pins.

This goes to show how dangerous sleep apnea can be, that such a drastic surgery would be performed. This is a serious problem and may need to be treated for your entire life. Trying to find a sleep apnea solution is an ongoing thing, every year steps are made in the right direction and as such treatments are ever improving.

Sleep Apnea

Understand more about sleep apnea solution [http://sleepapnea-solution.com/] and explore sleep apnea cures [http://sleepapnea-solution.com/sleep-apnea-cures/].

Sleep Apnea Solution

Sleep Apnea

Read Sleep Apnea - Healing Is Possible extra

Recently several people have contacted me with symptoms diagnosed by a medical doctor as 'Sleep Apnea.' After many months of treatment, they each began seeking a more effective approach. While they did not know what they were searching for, each accessed hypnosis treatment as a possible modality. Thus, after treating several 'sleep deprived' sufferers with success - it is my fiduciary responsibility to inform Sleep Apnea sufferers - healing is possible.

Forty million Americans reportedly have a sleeping disorder, yet, fewer than three percent are treated with 100% success. While many people receive Traditional Western Medical (TWM) treatment, the issues that TWM believes causes problems with sleeping are only the most easily proven - restricted air passages - other possibilities are ignored.

Sleep Apnea is diagnosed by TWM as a blocked or partly blocked breathing capacity during sleep. The problem is further labeled as mild or severe, based on how often the brain is oxygen deprived. Being oxygen deprived may occur from five or more than fifty times an hour.

TWM believes sleeping disturbance is caused by blocked or narrow airways in the nose, mouth or throat. The airway can become blocked when the throat muscles and tongue relax during sleep. Sleep disturbance can also occur if one has large tonsils, adenoids or uvula. During the day the air passage is open when the person is standing or sitting up. However, when the person lies down the airway is believed to narrow due to pressure within the nose, mouth or throat. Furthermore, being overweight contributes to Sleep Apnea, use of some medications or alcohol before bedtime.

The most frequent symptoms of Adult Sleep Disturbance are:

• Not feeling rested after a night's sleep.
• Feeling sleepy during the day.
• Waking up with a headache.
• Your partner may notice that while you sleep:
• You stop breathing.
• You often snore loudly.
• You gasp or choke.
• You toss and turn.

The most frequent symptoms of Children's Sleep Disturbance are:

• Nearly always snore.
• May be hyperactive or problems paying attention.
• May be restless during sleep and wake up often.
• May have bed-wetting.
• Less apt to notice sleepiness during the day
• Some children seem to grow slower than average

The double edged sword with Sleep Disturnbance is which came first 'the chicken or the egg.' The symptoms attributed to constricted airways in the nose, mouth or throat can all be caused by Post Traumatic Stress - Emotional, Physical and/or Sexual Child Abuse or Post Traumatic Stress due to domestic violence, war related experiences, natural disasters and other traumatic experiences.


• Lose and/or maintain standard BMI weight
• Sleep on your side - Avoid sleep on your back
• Avoid alcohol and medicines (especially sedatives) before bed time

If lifestyle changes fail to relieve Sleep Disturbance, your TWM doctor will recommend a machine that helps you breathe while sleeping. This machine supplies 'continuous positive airway pressure,' (CPAP). While this strategy brings better quality of sleep; it becomes a life long strategy for the majority of Sleep Apnea suffers rather than a healing remedy.

Complete Healing Protocol:

Coupled with an emotional healing process for the root cause of Anxiety, Panic, Depression, Post Traumatic Stress, complete healing is possible within ninety to one-hundred eighty days.

Emotional and Spiritual Healing (ESH) is direct, focused and combines creating health while healing the past. It is precise, powerful, virtually painless and an accurate way of changing the landscape of your inner and outer Mind, Body and Spirit. ESH allows you to access your past, present and future - as well as your subconscious, and clear negative energy on the cellular levels of your Mind, Body and Spirit.

Sleep Apnea

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's thoughts and feelings. http://www.drdorothy.net

Sleep Apnea - Healing Is Possible

Understand Sleep Apnea and Weight Gain more

Sleep Apnea

Did you know that there is a link between weight gain and sleep apnea? It all starts with a simple intrusion in your life in the form of snoring. Read this article and find out more about how weight gain leads to sleep apnea and vice versa.

Ignoring your snoring problem could lead to a serious sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. This disorder is characterized by the cessation of breathing during the night with such episodes occurring anywhere between 5-50 times an hour.

Weight Gain and Sleep Apnea - What's the Connection?

Wondering how weight gain could be linked to this condition? When you put on weight, it is not only around your waistline or thighs. You would invariably develop extra fat cells around your neck, throat and mouth and this tends to affect your breathing as well. This causes obstruction of the air passage and consequently, snoring. Over time it could develop into sleep apnea. Research has also revealed that people who are overweight or obese are at a greater risk of developing sleep apnea when compared to people who do not have any weight-related issues.

Hormones - The Link Between Sleep Apnea and Weight Gain

Did you know that your hormones could be responsible for increasing weight and consequently aggravate snoring and apnea issues? Your body produces an increased amount of the hormone Ghrelin when you lose sleep. This hormone stimulates hunger thereby leading you to eat more food and put on weight. Also when you sleep less, the levels of the hormone Leptin are reduced. This hormone is instrumental in communicating to your brain that you do not require any more food. In its absence you tend to eat more, hence gain more weight. Your body no longer burns calories at the rate at which it was earlier as well.

Lose Weight and Sleep Better

Although the reasons for this dangerous condition could be many, your increasing weight might be a main cause. Because the condition's symptoms are subtle, you might not even realize that you are suffering from it. However, if you notice increasing daytime sleepiness, dry mouth when you wake up, frequent urination at night, or even excessive, sudden weight gain, it is time to consider consulting a sleep specialist. Because of the increasing daytime drowsiness and fatigue, it is important to consume foods that boost the energy levels but do not add to your body weight. Be sure to take note of the calories you consume and also exercise to lose excess weight. Good meal planning is essential for planned weight loss and to help you deal with sleep apnea. Ensure you are consuming food in proper quantities and try to stay as healthy as possible when choosing the foods you eat. The the ideal weight for your height and body structure can only be determined by a health and fitness expert. Always consult a specialist before you embark on a weight loss program to lose weight and deal with your apnea problem.

Atlanta Snoring Institute specializes in snoring treatment and sleep apnea treatment, such as the The Pillar Procedure.

Stefano Grossi Atlanta Snoring Institute 770-389-0000

Sleep Apnea and Weight Gain

Sleep Apnea