Read Sleep Apnea - Causes and Symptoms far more

Sleep Apnea Cause

Though snoring is commonly joked about, it is a serious issue which requires a lot of thought and sometimes, immediate attention. Snoring is basically caused by constriction in the airways, limiting the air flow and essential oxygen that is needed by the body.

Heavy snoring is known to cause sleep apnea in many cases when the air passages become so blocked that no oxygen flows through. Sleep Apnea is a serious sleep disorder which needs immediate medical attention. Snoring is basically a warning by the body that the brain and other parts of the body are not getting the required amount of oxygen which is a cause of other health issues. Constant disrupted sleep and waking up due to snoring is body's alarm mechanism to get normal breathing patterns restored.

So, what characterizes Sleep Apnea? The basic symptoms of sleep apnea include:

o Interrupted breathing with gaps of over 10 seconds without breathing.
o Unconsciously waking up from sleep.
o Does not go into deep sleep or REM sleep.
o Low oxygen levels in the blood.
o Constant drowsiness and irritability.
o Risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Snoring leads to a chain reaction from interrupted sleep patterns to low oxygen levels in the blood. The constant sleep interruptions and low oxygen leaves the heart having to pump in more and causes a rise in blood pressure. High blood pressure is a known cause for heart attacks and strokes. Constant interruptions at night lead to poor sleep, resulting in low concentration and alertness during the day.

If you feel that you might be having similar symptoms, it is best to talk to your health care professional or doctor as soon as possible. A process known as Polysomnography is performed to correctly diagnose and provide help for you to correct snoring.

However, if you or your loved one's snoring is mild to moderate, it is best to take help now than let the snoring escalate into sleep apnea. There are many known and proven methods, apart from surgery, which can help in reducing and helping you stop snoring. There are many over the counter nose strips, nasal sprays and herbal throat sprays, homeopathic medicines and other non invasive techniques that can help you.

It is best to avoid dairy products at night for a few days, but if you have heavy snoring then try avoiding dairy products from your diet. Sleeping on the back is known to have helped some people snore less while another good home remedy to stop snoring is to sew a small ball inside the night suit so that you tend to be on your back while sleeping. It may not sound very comfortable, but it does help.

Allergens, hay fever, medicines side effects are also known to be causes of snoring but your health care professional can help you on that. Obesity is a big factor when it comes to snoring as the fat build up around the throat constricts the relaxed muscles, narrowing the air passages. So, some lifestyle changes can help you get back into shape and stop snoring too.

Dr.Anita Choudhary researches and writes for Browse our site for more information about snoring remedies, anti snoring treatment, and related issues.

Sleep Apnea - Causes and Symptoms

Sleep Apnea Cause